Zhe Zhang

Zhe Zhang (张喆) is a Senior Algorithm Engineer at the Insitute for Intelligent Computing (previously known as DAMO Academy) / Alibaba Group. Prior to joining Alibaba, he obtained the Master's degree in Science in the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), Peking University (PKU). He was supervised by Prof. Ronggang Wang at the National Engineering Research Center of Visual Technology (NERC V2T). His research interests include computer vision and computer graphics, especially in AIGC, multi-view stereo (MVS), 3D reconstruction and depth estimation.


Peking University

M.S. in Computer Science
Aug. 2021 - Jul. 2024

GPA: 3.97/4.00 (99.3/100.0)

Tongji University

B.Eng in Software Engineering
Sep. 2017 - Jul. 2021

GPA: 4.79/5.00 (Overall Ranking 1st | Grade Ranking Top 2.8%)

Minor in Artificial Intelligence
Sep. 2019 - Jue. 2021

GPA: 5.00/5.00 (The only Full GPA)


GeoMVSNet: Learning Multi-View Stereo with Geometry Perception

Zhe Zhang, Rui Peng, Yuxi Hu, Ronggang Wang*

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

N2MVSNet: Non-Local Neighbors Aware Multi-View Stereo Network

Zhe Zhang, Huachen Gao, Yuxi Hu, Ronggang Wang*

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023

Bi-ClueMVSNet: Learning Bidirectional Occlusion Clues for Multi-View Stereo

Zhe Zhang, Yuxi Hu, Huachen Gao, Ronggang Wang*

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2023

CL-MVSNet: Unsupervised Multi-view Stereo with Dual-level Contrastive Learning

Kaiqiang Xiong, Rui Peng, Zhe Zhang, Tianxing Feng, Jianbo Jiao, Feng Gao, Ronggang Wang*

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023

Points-to-3D: Bridging the Gap between Sparse Points and Shape-Controllable Text-to-3D Generation

Chaohui Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jingliang Li, Zhe Zhang, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang*

ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2023

Context-Guided Multi-view Stereo with Depth Back-Projection

Tianxing Feng, Zhe Zhang, Kaiqiang Xiong, Ronggang Wang*

International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2023

FDC-NeRF: Learning Pose-free Neural Radiance Fields with Flow-Depth Consistency

Huachen Gao, Shihe Shen,Zhe Zhang, Kaiqiang Xiong, Rui Peng, Zhirui Gao, Qi Wang, Yugui Xie, Ronggang Wang*

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024


  • TEG / AI Lab / Digital Human Team intern. Demo
  • Maintain the 4D Scanning Realistic Digital Human pipeline and improve the face reconstruction and rendering algorithm.
  • IDG / Apollo Navigation Pilot Main Line R & D Group research intern.
  • VT SH Batch 2019 Master2 Program.
  • S/4 HANA Cloud department, technical consultant intern.
  • Vice Chairman of Tongji-SAP Club.

Awards & Honors

  1. China National Scholarship.2019-2020
  2. Outstanding Master Graduate of Beijing Province.Jun. 2024
  3. Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai Province.Jun. 2021
  4. Pursuit Preeminent Student Award of Tongji Univ (Highest-level award).May. 2021
  5. Model Student Award & PINGAN Scholarship of Peking Univ.2022-2023
  6. Social Work Award of Peking Univ.2021-2022
  7. Excellent Student Model Award of Tongji Univ.2019-2020
  8. Excellent Leadership Award of Tongji Univ.2017-2018
  9. First-class Scholarship & Social Activity Scholarship of Tongji Univ.2017-2018
  10. Outstanding Volunteer of Tongji Univ.2019-2020
  11. Finalist Award of MCM/ICM 2020.Apr. 2020
  12. Mathematical Contest in Modeling of China, 2nd. Shanghai competition area, 1st.Nov. 2019



  • Conference Reviewer: ICASSP, ACCV, IJCNN
  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE RA-L

Student Works

  • Chairman of Tongji Univ. Student Union.
  • Outstanding Student of the Leadership Training School of Peking Univ.


  • Outstanding volunteer of “Siyuan Project”, sponsored by UNESCO and beautiful homesickness charity team.
  • Volunteer for Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shanghai Museum of Mature, Red Cross Association of Tongji Univ.


  • Apple Teacher
  • Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador
  • HUAWEI / OpenMMLab / DJI / Tencent / iFLYTEK, Campus Ambassador


  • 🏊🏻 Swimming
  • 🛻 Long-distance Driving
  • 🚴🏼 Road Cycling
  • 🗺️ Traveling
  • 📸 Photography / 🛩️ Drone Photography

Copyright © Zhe ZHANG | doubleZ, Peking University.

All Right Reserved.